Thursday, September 13, 2012

Time to Get Healthy: Week 7

Wow...can you believe it's week 7 of our Healthy Thursday link up? Time to get together with Raven and Kristen to see how things are going!

Dont Quote The Raven
Today I would like to share that last night, I went to my first class at our fitness center since we moved! And...it was awesome! We did 2 sets of a circuit workout with some kickboxing in between.  Some of our circuit stations included abs, jumprope, legs, arms, kettlebell, and a step box. We did each station for 2 minutes with no rest in between stations.  It was a super great workout and I ended the hour long class full of sweat! I am definitely going back on Saturday and next week! Classes are great because it's nice to mix it up and not as boring as doing the treadmill or elliptical all the time.
Also, I would just like to point out 2 personal motivators for me that kept me going during the class:
1. Our instructor was pregnant and is delivering her baby in 5 days! And she was doing most of the class with us, talk about amazing!
2. There were 3 ladies in the class that were probably 60ish years old and they were doing everything I was doing, a little slower and less reps, but still doing it all...now I hope I can be doing that still when I'm that age!
So anyways, I'm glad I went and hope you all had a good week! Also, I lost a pound this week, yay me! I hope for more weight loss next week!


  1. Ha...there were always old ladies at the Y doing it and it kept me going!

  2. YAY for the good motivation watching old ladies do the workout LOL


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