Thursday, July 11, 2013


Now that we are well into the summer season, I thought I would see what all of you are watching on the tube lately. Anyone have any good summer shows they are loving?

Image from tvrage.com

I recently started watching "Motive" on ABC and I'm really liking it. I'm a sucker for anything with crimes or mystery, so it falls right into my favorite category. If you haven't seen it, it's a murder mystery show, but has a bit of a twist.

Right at the beginning of each episode, they tell you who the killer and victim are, but then the rest of the episode is spent figuring out how and why the person was killed. It's pretty interesting because most of the killers are people you wouldn't suspect in the episode.

If this sounds good, check it out on ABC, Thursdays at 9/8 central.

And, if anyone has any other good suggestions, let me know! I'm always interested to try a new show out!


  1. So You Think You Can Dance!!! My favorite show - and it would be easy to pick up, even though they are a little into the season already. It's on FOX on Tuesdays from 7pm until 9pm.

    Or SUITS starts on Tuesday, the 16th, at 9pm - I really like that show, too!

    I haven't watched Motive, but I heard about it and thought it looked interesting. I'll have to check it out! Thanks for the suggestion :)


  2. Hmmmm never heard of it! Scott would kill me if I have another show!

  3. Oh, it does sound really interesting! I hadn't heard of it until now, but I am definitely intrigued!


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