Day Eighteen: A Childhood Story
Well...I was trying to think of a really good story, but this is all I could come up with.
One of my favorite things to do when we were younger was to go pick mulberries off of the mulberry trees by our house. We had a couple bigger ones and one smaller tree. With the smaller one, it was easiest. We would take an old sheet and put it on the ground around the tree and then all of us would grab a branch or two and just shake them, seeing how many we could get to fall. If they fell, you knew they were ripe and ready to eat! Then, we would put them all in a bucket and take them back home to eat, and they were delicious! The best part was the nice stains we got on our hands and feet. This isn't my picture, but this is what it usually looked like when we were done.
Pictures taken from images.google.com
Day Nineteen: Five of Your Favorite Blogs
It was hard to pick just five, but these are some of my favorites lately!
Rach at This Italian Family has some great stories and also some delicious recipes to try.
Samantha at 3-Oh-1 Grace St usually has some things to make me laugh and I love hearing about her cute pug, Stella.
I put Jamie and Lindsey as some of my favorite blogs too.