Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Christmas Baking Extravaganza

Last Saturday, I got to spend the morning and early afternoon baking Christmas cookies and goodies with my mom, sister, grandma and aunt! It's an annual event for us and I look forward to it every year. We got together at my Grandma's and made almost 20 different kinds of cookies and goodies! We all help out and then split up the results to use for Christmas trays, get togethers and just to have around the house (which is a bad idea for me, so I try to give away most of what I bring home).

Here are some of our delicious treats!

Some of the wonderful bakers!

What's your favorite Christmas cookie or candy?


  1. yum!! my family and I did a baking day too- it is such a fun way to be in the spirit of things. the cookies look amazing!


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