Wednesday, June 19, 2013

A Learning Experience

It's Week 3 of our From One Year to Beyond Series, and the topic for this week is:
What Have You Learned From The Unexpected and How Have You Grown as a Couple During The First Year

Through our first year of marriage, Ryan and I have learned a lot, both about being a married couple and about eachother. I have learned that marriage is tough, at times. Living together for the first time after we got married, we had to each learn to get used to the other's habits. I also learned and was reminded that Ryan is a guy, and most guys are a little less tidy and organized than us ladies. I had to learn that everything doesn't have to be spick and span all the time.

I also learned that marriage is so much better than I could have ever imagined. Having my husband there all the time is awesome! I love having someone to come home to, cook with, eat meals with, watch movies with, and most importantly, share my faith with! Marriage is amazing in that Ryan is always there when I need someone, whether I need to talk (he is an amazing listener), need a hug, or need a laugh. 

We have learned that putting the other first is important in a marriage, and is also what Christ teaches us, as the Lord always puts all of us first! I have learned to think of Ryan's needs and tried to put them before my own, whether this is having supper ready when he gets home from work, letting him choose what's on the television, trying to keep things clean, or surprising him with cookies after he is gone for work. Ryan, in turn, is great at helping me with things around the apartment!

Finally, we have learned to take time for us in our busy lives! With both of us working a lot and with other things that keep us busy between our family and friends, we have learned to try and set time aside for the two of us! This might include a walk outside, renting a movie, going out to eat, or playing games. This time is great for both of us to just relax and enjoy each other's company!

After making it through year one, we have both grown in our marriage, but we know we have a lot of growing yet to do. We pray every day for the Lord to help us grow in our relationship with Him and with each other.

I'll leave you with one of my favorite songs about love by Warren Barfield, called 
"Love is Not A Fight":


  1. I am so thankful to see so many wives who never let the little unexpected life happenings bring down their marriage. You mention some wonderful, wonderful points in this post! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and heart with all who have linked up! I hope many of the other wives will value all you have shared, just as much as I did!


  2. Great song! And I love the second point you wrote on...so true! Marriage is far better than I even imagined, a fabulous transition I tend to forget about. :)


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