Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter Weekend Shenanigans

Friday night, I tried the new Strawberita drink...amazing! Loved it, and they aren't lying when they say it has 8% alcohol.  We went back home for the weekend and spent Friday night with my family and had a friendly game of Scattergories. My sister was home from Minnesota, so we were glad to catch up with her! I also spent a portion of the night in minor depression after my Kansas Jayhawks blew their lead in the basketball game and ended their run during the NCAA tourney.

Saturday morning started out with an almost 9.5 mile run with my running ladies. It was a beautiful morning out for a run! Only a month until our half marathon.

Then we played some basketball with my family, had our Easter supper and ended the night with some friends at the local bar. 

Happy Easter! We celebrated the Lord's resurrection with mass in the morning. Then, we had both of Ryan's extended family Easter gatherings. It was great to see everyone and we even got to see Ryan's cousin's new baby girl, she was adorable! We also had some good bonding time with Ryan's nieces and nephew. Sunday, I lacked in my picture taking, but did snap a couple shots of the Easter goodies I brought to the gatherings.

Hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend!


  1. I did a 9.5 mile run this weekend too! But I didn't have my running friends with me so it was a little tough and booring! Your easter goodies are so cute and look delicious!

  2. Seriously, no way, they have that limerita in strawberry now?? Oh I must go try it!

    I ate so many sweets yesterday its unreal...but its worth it :)

  3. Sorry we missed you! :(

  4. Straw-ber-rita??? never heard of it! I guess I should try it? haha

  5. Such cute Easter goodies! I love them!

  6. I want to try that drink out this weekend! :)


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