Thursday, October 31, 2013

Harvest Time

Earlier this week, I got to go back home and experience harvest season. During this time back home, you just constantly see combines, tractors and semis, as farmers are working to get the crops out of the fields!

I was lucky enough to get to ride in the combine with my friend Jaimie, which I was super excited about! It's been a few years since I've gotten to ride in the combine, and I really enjoyed it!

I just want to take this time to thank all the farmers for their hard work during harvest and pray that they stay safe and have a productive crop!


  1. How neat! Living in Boston, I don't see many farms from day to day so this is a great reminder of just how important our farmers are! It's neat to see the harvest of cranberries in the Northeast - the colors are so pretty!

  2. I didn't know what a combine was until I went to college! Then I ended up thinking every piece of farming equipment was a combine. Oops. Such an uninformed Nebraskan!

  3. What a cool experience! I've never been in a combine before!

  4. I'll never claim to know a thing about being a farmer, but if I ever find myself in a combine, I want to be with Jaimie!!!


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