Monday, October 7, 2013

Family Weekend Shenanigans

Sami's Shenanigans

This weekend was spent having some good family time, and it was much enjoyed!

1, 2 and 3 - Friday night, Ryan and I met my mom and a friend to go to the Husker volleyball game against Minnesota! Both teams were ranked in the Top 10, and it was a great game! Nebraska won in 3 sets. It was also the first time I've been to the Devaney Center since they remodeled it for volleyball and the venue was awesome!!

4. After the game, we met up with a friend from work and her husband for some drinks in downtown Lincoln! Here we are sharing a delicious fish bowl at Duffy's!

5, 6, 7, and 8 - On Saturday, we went to a wedding for one of Ryan's 2nd cousins. Even though it was cold, we still had a good time and got to spend lots of time with our adorable nieces and nephew! We all stayed in a hotel, had fun at the pool and of course had some adult beverages. Tried the new Redd's Strawberry Ale, and it was pretty tasty!

9. Sunday, we ran a couple errands, got groceries, took a nap and watched football! We had broccoli cheese soup for supper, as the cool fall temps outside made it perfect soup weather!


  1. Volleyball is awesome - sounds like you had a great weekend :)

  2. Ha - we had soup for dinner Sunday too! I think I was probably still thawing out from the football game on Saturday.. ;)

    I haven't been to the revamped Devaney for volleyball yet - but it looks SO FREAKIN COOL on TV! That was quite a game Friday night - so jealous you got to witness it in person!

    Looks like a great weekend :D

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